No sewing experience needed!
Nominating Petitions Are Available for Library Trustee
Homer Township Public Library wishes to announce that the Library has nominating petitions available for persons who wish to run in the April 1, 2025 Consolidated General Election. For more information, visit Nominating Petitions Will Be Available for Library Trustee | Homer Township Public Library District (
Watch Now! To Be Continued Book Club with Miss Mary Kay.
Celebrate harvest season with this fun and festive craft.
Create a harvest scene complete with corn stalk and pumpkins. Happy Harvest!
One per child while supplies last.
Find six Dino signs in the KidZone. &nb
Enter the Dino-vember coloring contest between Oct. 24 - Nov. 20 for a chance to win an inflatable turkey!
Pick up a coloring sheet at the library or print a copy at home. Decorate with whatever inspires you!
Enter to win two FREE tickets to Drury Lane Theatre-Oakbook Terrace's production of Elf. the Musical. Rated PG.
The two tickets are for Sunday, December 11 at 2 pm.
Winner will be contacted after November 25.