No sewing experience needed!
Nominating Petitions Are Available for Library Trustee
Homer Township Public Library wishes to announce that the Library has nominating petitions available for persons who wish to run in the April 1, 2025 Consolidated General Election. For more information, visit Nominating Petitions Will Be Available for Library Trustee | Homer Township Public Library District (
Stop by the Teen Room anytime today to receive a mini mushroom worry stone! The perfect little thing to keep your pocket for when you’re anxious or to decorate your room! Just pick your favorite colored one and you’re good to go!
Watch Now! To Be Continued Book Club with Miss Mary Kay.
Ages up to 35 months with adult.
Designed with simple stories, finger-plays, bouncing rhymes, music and movement activities!
Ages up to 35 months with adult.
Designed with simple stories, finger-plays, bouncing rhymes, music and movement activities!
Michelle Stanley, from Prairie Art Studio, will teach this art workshop for children ages 8-13.
We will draw a cheetah. They are the fastest land animals in the world and considered the smallest in the big cat family.
Visit the Bookmobile to enter our raffle for a chance to win a dino-mite collection.
Old Oak 4:30 - 5:00
Hawthorne Woods 5:10 - 5:45
Oak Creek 6:15 - 6:40
Willowwalk 6:50 - 7:30
The Homer Township Public Library's Board of Trustees generally meets every fourth Monday of the month at 7pm in the library’s meeting room at 14320 W. 151st Street, Homer Glen, IL.